Silvermine Productions is a production company devoted to bringing a fresh twist on storytelling.
Created in the magical crevices of Silvermine in Connecticut by Alex Morsanutto– Silvermine has worked with renowned brands all over the world.
“Hi-Glow Retro is a snappy, light-hearted ode to high school angst and 70’s disco culture. It’s charming, visually polished and emotionally electric. It’s about underdogs aiming high, failing hard…”
“Saturday Night Fever meets The Graduate in a world of Superbad film. Set in modern times, Hi-Glow still manages to play the nostalgia card in a humorous and entertaining way, and does it with a swinging rhythm.”
“ It would probably sound like baloney if I said I knew right away Alex Morsanutto’s film was remarkable: this is, after all, a judgment that is authentic and credible only after a day or two, when thoughts settle down and impressions sink in. But Hi-Glow Retro is just that: a remarkable film. ”
“Hi-Glow Retro is an enormous ode to almost every teenage boy’s dream, but not without passing through the anxieties first. Directed by Alex Morsanutto and nicknaming this film his ‘sweet disco baby’, staggers us with a stylish and groovy dynamic flow while dazzling us with easy and punchy humour.”